Cheryl Hall

Cheryl Hall

Life is a math equation. In order to gain the most, you have to know how to convert negatives into positives.

— Anonymous

Phone: 979-209-5600 EXT: 5682

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My Schedule

1st Period

8:20- 9:19


2nd Period

9:23- 10:18

8th Math

3rd Period

10:22- 11:17

8th Math

4th Period

11:21- 1:08

8th Math

5th Period

1:12- 2:07

8th Math

6th Period

2:11- 3:06

8th Math

7th Period

3:10- 4:05

8th Math

Tutorial Times 4:15-4:45 pm by Appointment Only

My Credentials

Auburn University: Bachelor of Science- Education

National STEM Certified Educator